There is no greater expression of culture than food. Food reflects people, it's history and life!

About us
Italy is known everywhere for the renowned gastronomy, made with an ancient passion, a summary of flavors and aromas where taste marries the imagination. An authentic gastronomy that has been able to preserve intact the good tastes of the past, the ancient traditions closely linked to local products. Many of the recipes that make up these specialties are in fact of peasant inspiration, because they enhance the freshness of the genuine products of the countryside. The products offered by Sapore Italiano come mainly from family businesses and small producers from all regions of Italy, the culinary art transferred in centuries of tradition and the passion for their manufacture distinguished by the love of quality. The quality we guarantee with refined products from all over Italy, from Piedmont to Sicily, is so high that you can smell and taste the passion with which the producers make their products.
- Sapore Italiano Team

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